Monte Cristo sandwich lovers unite!
One of my “virtual little brothers" (who’s all grown up now), has launched a new website in search of the perfect sandwich. "jeffskla" writes in his intro “The night before my wife and I got married, we had the most wonderful Monte Cristo sandwiches. They were cooked to perfection: firm, moist, and warm. The sandwiches came with raspberry jelly (which I like) and syrup (which she likes). “ I can’t honestly say that I have ever had a Monte Cristo. I know that they are made with ham or turkey (or both), cheese, and then the whole sandwich is dipped into some sort of batter and then fried or baked. Recipes vary widely – from the type of cheese, condiments inside and out, and how to make the batter… Despite all the options, I know that I would enjoy them – if anyone around here served them! Help a brother out – if you know of a restaurant that serves a great Monte Cristo, please write to him. If you have found a great recipe, please write to me. We both would love to hear from you!

Posted by Linda :
Friday 02 October 2009 - 16:56:59
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