What are Salt Potatoes?
A couple readers emailed me this question… Well, apparently, just like Spiedies, they are an Upstate New York specialty!They may have a different name in your region, but salt potatoes are pretty much what they sound like wink Starting with very small, thin-skinned potatoes (often called “new” potatoes), well scrubbed, you boil them in EXTREMELY salty water – I’m talking about a cup of salt for a 4 qt pot of water and 3-4 lbs of potatoes. Because of the higher boiling temperature (boiling salt water is hotter than boiling tap water), the potatoes are creamy and tender, and ideally, some of the salt sticks to the skins. DO NOT RINSE!!!! Tradition says to serve them with melted butter - unless you are serving some other sauce or gravy - and even then, I’d serve some melted butter on the side. DELIGHTFUL! Wikipedia has more about the history – which I never knew until you asked, so thanks for your question! Trust me, they are the perfect addition to almost any summertime meal.

Posted by Linda :
Sunday 11 July 2010 - 01:11:08
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