I hadn't even THOUGHT about New Year's Eve
In case you've missed it, I work in retail - and I profusely apologize for ignoring you lately. I've made some good, even a couple GREAT things – but once I've sat down recently, I've had a tendency to fall asleep wink No worries – I'll have a chance to catch you up soon! Even grocery shopping has been a struggle, so my cupboard is kind of bare – at least for me. I took the chuck roast out of the freezer without ANY plans on what I'd do with it. Several recipes I'd bookmarked would have worked, but in each case I was missing what I considered an important ingredient – but THEN!!!! How could I have forgotten this one! Coffee and Spice rubbed roast had sounded amazing when I first came across it, and what a treat for New Year's cheesey Not at all complicated – you salt and pepper the roast, tied if it's that type (mine didn't need it), wrap and chill.
I used my coffee grinder to blend all the incredible flavors – actual coffee grounds (I used a breakfast blend), smoked paprika, brown sugar, onion powder...
So the next day, or even a few hours later you unwrap the meat, pat it dry, and sear...
I used some of the warmed oil to turn the spice blend into a paste – and then schmeared!
Some rosemary potatoes went into the oven while this happened, and then while the oven cooled back down to the “low and slow” 225F, the flavors seeped into the meat, resting at room temp.
My chuck roast was about 2” thick, and an hour was perfect for a medium rare finish. A minute or two under the broiler ensured a delightful crust.
A simple green salad, coffee ice cream for dessert... Happy New Year!!! This is a wonderful treat – for ANY time.

Posted by Linda :
Sunday 03 January 2016 - 00:52:10
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