Nooks and Crannies – that YOU can make!
I was amazed at how simple one of my favorite breakfast (or snack) items can be made – really, all it takes is time to make your own English Muffins! You heat some milk, stir in some flour… Okay, there’s a little more to it (actually, not that much), and fortunately Sheryl Canter did all the research and experimentation smile Her recipe is for a batch of six (though I made them “sandwich” size, and got four) and is easily multiplied. The best part is that you can play with her recipe, and make your own variations… Want less sourdough flavor? Cut the milk by diluting it with water. Want whole grain? Add your preferred flour for half of the All Purpose. In both cases, it IS important to only go half-way - you need at least half the milk and half the AP to preserve those precious nooks and crannies. You can also use semolina as opposed to cornmeal for that authentic “crunch” – but definitely use one or the other…
My only “complaint” with this process is that it takes about 90 minutes in the last stages (final rest, pan “baking”, cooling)… I don’t want to wait that long for breakfast! So my plan is to start the fermentation in the morning, do the finishing in the evening, and then split and toast in the morning – they’ll still be incredibly fresh. And nothing – NOTHING – beats homemade!!!!

Posted by Linda :
Saturday 31 December 2011 - 13:51:39
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